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Michigan Introduces Bi-Partisan Legislation to Merge Cannabis Regulations

Michigan Introduces Bi-Partisan Legislation to Merge Cannabis Regulations

LANSING, MI — In an effort to modernize the state’s cannabis laws, bi-partisan legislation has been introduced in Michigan that aims to merge the regulatory frameworks for the adult-use and medical cannabis industries. The proposed reforms seek to repeal the state’s 2016 Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act, which sponsors argue has imposed undue burdens on businesses and the state’s Cannabis Regulatory Agency.

The bill’s sponsors assert that the dual regulatory system currently in place requires businesses to obtain and renew separate licenses for medical and recreational cannabis activities, leading to increased costs and inefficiencies. State Rep. Graham Filler (R) emphasized the benefits of the proposed changes: “Streamlining and simplifying these laws is a win for everyone involved – from businesses to patients to regulators. By modernizing the regulatory process, we can help businesses cut costs and increase efficiency.”

Under the current regime, cannabis licensees in Michigan must annually renew both a medical and recreational license to grow, process, transport, or sell cannabis products. The proposed legislation would consolidate these requirements into a single license per activity, aiming to reduce operational costs for businesses and improve government efficiency. Importantly, the proposed bill does not alter the system for medical cannabis patients and caregivers established under the state’s 2008 medical cannabis law.

State Rep. Jimmie Wilson, Jr. (D) highlighted the broader economic and safety benefits of the proposal: “This is about making Michigan an attractive and stable place for marijuana businesses to thrive. A single, cohesive regulatory framework will support our growing economy, ensure the safety and quality of marijuana products, and maintain access for medical marijuana patients. This is a forward-thinking approach that positions Michigan as a leader in the industry.”

The bills were referred to the House Regulatory Reform Committee on June 27. If enacted, these reforms are expected to simplify the regulatory landscape for cannabis businesses in Michigan, fostering a more conducive environment for industry growth while ensuring the continued protection and access for medical cannabis patients.

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