Exhibitor Resources

Important Deadlines
Stay tuned for 2025 dates.
ASAP: Reserve hotel rooms: OnPeak – Official Housing Vendor CLICK HERE.
April 3 – Advanced Warehouse opens to receive shipments through April 24.
Address for Advance Warehouse Shipments:
Exhibiting Company Name/Booth #
C/O Vista Convention Services
6720 Washington Blvd.
Elkridge, MD 21075
April 7– Deadline to submit advertisement in Digital Show Program (for exhibitors who bought separately) – email [email protected] if you need the submission form resent
April 7 – Deadline to submit Social Media Assets (for exhibitors who bought separately) – email [email protected] if you need the submission form resent
April 17 – Early-order discount ends for Vista Convention Services: CLICK HERE
April 24 – Last day shipments accepted to advance warehouse
May 2 & 3 – Shipments to Baltimore Convention Center accepted.
Address for direct shipments:
Exhibiting Company Name/Booth #
Baltimore Convention Center
C/O Vista Convention Services
One West Pratt St
Baltimore, MD 21201
Important Details
To register your company’s booth staff for the event, you need a dedicated link that’s been sent to your company’s Administrative lead for the event. If you need the link resent, please email [email protected]
10×10 booths are allotted 4 badges, 10×20 get 8 badges, 20×20 get 12 badges, sponsors get 12 badges. Badges will be available for pickup at the show on move-in day after 2pm.
If you need to change a name on a badge that you’ve already ordered, or if you need to order badges beyond your company’s complimentary allotment, please contact [email protected]
NOTE: Booth staff MUST be pre-registered to be issued a badge.
POV Material Handling
Exhibitors arriving in personally owned vehicles (POV) to unload at the Baltimore Convention Center are permitted one trip to hand-carry items into the exhibit facility. Exhibitor use of dollies, hotel baggage carts, flat trucks and other mechanical equipment, is not permitted. All exhibitors with more than one hand carry trip, will need to have their vehicle unloaded by union labor at the designated dock area. Material handling is round-trip service. All those unloaded will have their vehicles reloaded on the outbound. Instructions for outbound service will be provided onsite at the event.
The dock entrance is halfway down Charles Street on the left side of the convention center. Security staff will have an exhibitor list and will direct you to the docks Vista is using near Hall G.
We highly recommend placing a credit card on file prior to move-in on Thursday, May 2, 2024, since payment is required before labor unloads your vehicle. We want to ensure a constant flow at the dock and adhering to this will help all exhibitors set up for the event in a timely manner. There is a special rate for this service that can be found on the material handling rate sheet on page 11 of the kit. The round trip rate applies to station wagons, mini vans, 4×4, SUVs and small pick-up trucks that require unloading at showsite. $450.00 per vehicle up to 400lbs maximum. For POV’s with more than 400lbs., uncrated rates will apply.
Installation/Dismantle Labor
Two (2) full-time exhibiting company employees may work without Carpenter Labor for one (1) hour during move-in and one (1) hour during move-out without union labor on booths that are larger than 10’ x 10’. Exhibitors may work in booths 10’ x 10’ or smaller without the use of union labor. Exhibitors are not permitted to use POWER TOOLS on booths of any size. Manual tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, ratchets, pry bars, etc. are allowed. Exhibitors may not borrow tools, ladders or other equipment from the exhibit facility and/or Vista. If your company falls within these parameters, we highly recommend ordering labor in advance, since labor ordered after the deadline of April 17, 2024 increases 25%. The labor order form can be found on page 26 of this manual.
Thank you in advance for your attention to these details. If you have any further questions, feel free to call our office at 609-485-2421 or email [email protected]
Hotel Reservations: For hotel reservations, visit the show’s official housing vendor, OnPeak.
Click here, Official Housing Vendor.
Note: If you are contacted by other third-party companies offering hotel assistance, please be aware they are not endorsed by NECANN.
Booth Administrator Role at NECANN & Your Exhibitor Portal
Thank you for exhibiting with NECANN! You are currently listed as your company’s Admin contact. As such, you will be our main point of contact for all communication related to the show. You will receive the digital exhibitor manual from the show’s general services contractor, which will include info on booth package, shipping of materials and other services such as electrical and furniture/carpet rentals.
Once your order is confirmed, your admin person will receive an email invitation to access your online booth portal.
Once you accept the invitation to your exhibitor portal, you can set up a log-in and then you will have access to customize your listing on the interactive online exhibitor map, which includes space for a description of your organization/products, your company logo and contact information. Attendees use this information to plan their visit to the show and we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.
• Learn about and reserve other marketing opportunities, such as online show program and digital advertising space.
• Make booth payments.
Though each company is only able to have one Admin, it’s easy to change who that person is. Simple send an email to Carolyn Weston, [email protected], requesting the link to change your admin. If you have any questions or need information, please contact Carolyn at 508-561-6243/[email protected] or Kris Hultgren, [email protected], 207-400-4446.
NECANN offers a lead retrieval service through the Captello app. This new platform offers the exhibitor the opportunity to customize the interaction with a lead to improve the experience and drive higher ROI at NECANN conventions. Lead retrieval service is optional and is priced at $195 for each different NECANN show in which you exhibit. However, no additional cost is necessary to share the lead retrieval license with your staff. Here are a couple of short videos providing more information about the service:
Video: Here’s a tutorial on how to buy the lead retrieval service: https://help.leadliaison.com/watch/c0f62oVa530
Here’s the link to purchase the lead retrieval service for Maryland: CLICK HERE
Once you purchase the lead retrieval service you are given the opportunity to watch short videos on ways to best use the service. If you have technical questions about the service, use the Captello support contact: [email protected]. You can always reach out to Kris at NECANN for help, too, at [email protected].
In your online booth profile, the “Public Contact” fields are OPTIONAL, and we recommend that they be left blank until the week of the convention. If you have visible contact information in your profile in the weeks/months leading up to the convention, it WILL be used by scammers to bombard your email and phone number with phony offers to sell you attendee lists, hotel accommodations, shipping, etc. NECANN and our partners NEVER sell our contact information or make it available to 3rd parties.
Any email or phone offer to sell you an attendee or exhibitor lists, hotel reservations, shipping services, etc. is a scam. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of someone claiming to be a representative of NECANN, please contact NECANN’s Carolyn Weston at [email protected], 508-561-6243 or Kris Hultgren at [email protected] or 207-400-4446.
Show Decorator: Vista Convention Services CLICK HERE (Advance Shipping, Booth Furniture & Accessories Rentals, Graphics, Carpet Rentals, Labor, etc).
All confirmed exhibitors will receive an email from Vista Convention Services with unique log-in credentials for online ordering. If you have not received log-in credentials, please check your junk mail first, then contact Vista at [email protected] and we will resend it.
Page 4: Important Move-in information if you’re using a Personal Owned Vehicle (POV) to move-in
Page 5: Move-in & Shipping info
Page 30: Order Carpet
Page 32-72: Furniture and Booth rental options
Vista Convention Services Online Ordering (If you haven’t used Vista Services before create a login): CLICK HERE
Facility: Baltimore Convention Center CLICK HERE (Electrical, Telecom, Catering, and Cleaning Services) NOTE: Venue will NOT allow outside food to be delivered
Electrical Ordering Form (create a login first): CLICK HERE
Vista Convention Services – Online Ordering of Furnishings, Carpet, Graphics, Material Handling
Edlen Electric – Official Electrical Contractor Online Ordering – Edlen – Log into Online Ordering
OnPeak – Official Housing Vendor
Captello – Ticketing and Lead Retrieval Services Vendor
April 3 – Advanced Warehouse opens to receive shipments through April 24.
Address for Advance Warehouse Shipments:
Exhibiting Company Name/Booth #
C/O Vista Convention Services
6720 Washington Blvd.
Elkridge, MD 21075
May 2 & 3 – Shipments to Baltimore Convention Center accepted.
Address for direct shipments:
Exhibiting Company Name/Booth #
Baltimore Convention Center
C/O Vista Convention Services
One West Pratt St
Baltimore, MD 21201
For more information about shipping see page 5: CLICK HERE
Your company may have purchased an advertisement in the NECANN Maryland Digital Show Program and/or bought a social media post to NECANN’s network. If so, use the links below to take you to the form for submitting the deliverables. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.
To Submit a Digital Show Program Ad: CLICK HERE
To Submit Social Media Assets: CLICK HERE