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60% Support in MN for Edible Legalization

60% Support for Edible Legalization in Minnesota

60% of Minnesotans approve the recently passed law legalizing up to 5 milligrams of THC derived from hemp in food and beverage items, according to a MinnPost/Embold Research poll. According to the study, 21% of respondents were against making any “edibles that get people high” legal.

Medical marijuana has been legal in Minnesota since 2014, but efforts to legalize it for recreational use have not been successful. But last year, a contentious piece of legislation legalized edibles made from hemp rather than marijuana for adult recreational use in the state.

The law, which took effect on July 1, places a cap of 50 milligrams of THC per package and permits the purchase of foods and beverages with up to 5 milligrams of THC per serving. Many people were taken aback by it when it passed, and some elected officials say they were unaware of the bill’s reach when it passed. Since there are no provisions in the legislation for regulation, taxes, or enforcement, several municipal governments throughout the state have created their own enforcement guidelines according to an article in MinnPost.

Another 7% of respondents agreed, saying state legislators were right to allow the sale of treats made from hemp but not marijuana.

60% of women, 59% of males, 71% of respondents between the ages of 18 and 34, 79% of respondents between the ages of 35 and 49, 56% of respondents between the ages of 50 and 64, and 49% of respondents 65 and older supported the edible legalizing measures.

Along with 19% of independents, 9% of Democrats, and another 35% of Republicans, these individuals believed that the state should not have approved any edibles that cause intoxication.

Between October 10 and October 14, a survey of 1,585 Minnesota residents was conducted.

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