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Gallup Poll Shows High Support for Legalization

About Seven out of Ten Americans in Favor of Legalization—Including Majorities of All Political Parties and Age Demographics

This topic was surveyed twice in the past year and again in 2020, and support has remained stable both times. However, opposition decreased by 1% from 32% in 2021 to 31% in 2018, and 1% now claim to have “no opinion” on the matter.

The poll, conducted by YouGov from October 3-20 with a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points, illustrates the growing, bipartisan support for marijuana legalization and includes the opinions of 1,009 American adults.

84% of Democrats, seventy-three percent of independents, and fifty-one percent of Republicans all gave heir support.

Although younger people were significantly more likely to support legalization, the topic enjoys majority support across all age demographics: 18-29 years old (77 percent), 30-49 years old (73 percent), 50-64 years old (67 percent), and 65+ years old (75 percent) (58 percent).

According to a report in Marijuana Moment, Gallup has been conducting surveys since 1969 on the subject of legalization in the United States. Back then, only 12 percent of respondents responded that they were against the prohibition. Since that time, support for marijuana legalization has slowly but steadily grown, and it has expanded noticeably in the years since individual states began to legalize the drug.

Regarding Gallup, the company independently released data in August showing that more than twice as many Americans believe cannabis has a positive impact on its customers and society at large than say the same about alcohol.

Learn about the latest developments in cannabis with NECANN.

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