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dosage limits for medical cannabis in Florida

Commissioner Seeking to Overturn Medical Cannabis Dosage Limits in Florida

The Florida Department of Health on August 26 issued an emergency rule that creates limits on dose amounts in various forms of medical marijuana, state documents show. The rule went into effect the following Monday.

Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried is seeking to overturn new medical cannabis dosage limits that took effect last month, calling the regulatory changes harmful to patients.

“By limiting patients to purchasing only a maximum of 24,500 milligrams of THC over a 70-day period and a limit of 2.5 ounces of smokable cannabis in a 35-day period, the state is overriding the professional judgment of doctors and endangering the health of patients,” Fried said.

Fried also shared a post on Twitter, “I’m calling on the FL Dept. of Health to reverse course on the harmful medical cannabis dosage restrictions they just put in place under an “emergency rule.” Cutting patients’ access to legal & lifesaving medicine by 2/3 with less than 3 days notice is unacceptable & cruel. This reflects a lack of understanding of medical cannabis by DOH and OMMU at best and is an act of cruelty at worst. We are sending a strong message to the DeSantis Administration to put patients first, protect their access to legal and lifesaving medicine, and roll back these restrictions. I will never stop fighting for our medical cannabis patients and full legalization.”

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