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Hawaii Legislators Advance Bill to Legalize and Regulate Adult-Use Marijuana

Hawaii Legislators Advance Bill to Legalize and Regulate Adult-Use Marijuana

Lawmakers in Hawaii’s House of Representatives have taken a significant step forward in the effort to legalize and regulate adult-use marijuana, advancing Senate-passed bill SB 3335. The proposal, which garnered support from both the Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs Committee and the Agriculture and Food Systems Committee, seeks to establish a framework for licensed and regulated sales of cannabis to adults aged 21 and older.

Sponsored by Representative David Tarnas (D), the legislation aims to strike a balance between public safety, public health, and the establishment of a fair and reasonable regulatory framework for the adult-use cannabis industry. Modeled after a plan drafted by state Attorney General Anne Lopez (D), the bill received approval from the Senate with a vote of 19-6 earlier this month.

During a joint legislative hearing, comprehensive amendments were adopted to address various concerns and refine the bill’s provisions. Changes include reducing penalties for selling cannabis to minors, allowing caregivers to administer medical marijuana to minors in certain settings, and adjusting rules around possession of cannabis in vehicles. Additionally, colleges and universities may choose to permit possession and use of marijuana by adults 21 and older on campus grounds.

Several government agencies, advocacy groups, and individuals provided testimony both in support of and opposition to the bill. While proponents highlight the potential economic benefits and social equity provisions of legalization, opponents, including some in law enforcement, express concerns about increased public health risks and potential for cannabis-related crime.

Despite differing viewpoints, the bill represents a significant milestone in Hawaii’s ongoing discussion on cannabis legalization. If enacted, key provisions of SB 3335 would allow adults to possess and cultivate limited amounts of cannabis, establish a regulatory authority for licensing cannabis businesses, and impose taxes on cannabis sales.

The proposed legislation also addresses criminal justice reform by allowing individuals with past felony cannabis convictions to participate in the legal cannabis industry after a specified period. Additionally, the bill outlines penalties for underage possession of cannabis and provides tax relief for licensed marijuana businesses.

While debates on certain aspects of the bill continue, Governor Josh Green (D) has signaled his support for cannabis legalization, highlighting its potential to address social issues and boost the state’s economy. Recent polling suggests majority support for legalization among Hawaii residents.

In addition to efforts to legalize marijuana, Hawaii lawmakers are also considering legislation to provide legal protections for patients engaging in psilocybin-assisted therapy, indicating a broader shift towards progressive drug policy reforms in the state.

As discussions and deliberations continue, stakeholders on all sides are closely monitoring the progress of SB 3335, recognizing its potential implications for Hawaii’s future cannabis policies and regulations.

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