Exhibitor Resources

Boston Resources

Important Deadlines

Order Electricity (Hynes CC ordering portal):  CLICK  HERE

Order Lead Retrieval: CLICK HERE

Freeman Ordering Portal: CLICK HERE 

Exhibitor Booth Guidelines: CLICK HERE

February 18 – Advanced Warehouse opens to receive shipments through March 13.  Shipments arriving after this date will be received with an additional after-deadline charge.

Address for Advance Warehouse Shipments:

Exhibiting Company Name/Booth #
C/O Freeman
25 Doherty Avenue
Avon, MA 02322

February 20 – Early-order discount ends for Freeman services and furnishings 

March 1– deadline to submit advertisement in Digital Show Program (for exhibitors who bought separately) email [email protected] if you need the submission form resent 

March 1– Deadline to submit Social Media Assets (for exhibitors who bought separately) – email [email protected] if you need the submission form resent

March 7 – Deadline to submit all paperwork food sampling paperwork  

March 13 – Last day shipments accepted to advance warehouse without late arrival fees

March 14 – Deadline to register Staff Working Booth, contact [email protected] with questions

March 14 – Deadline for exhibitors selling from booth to submit tax paperwork

March 20 & 21 – Shipments to Hynes Convention Center accepted 

Address for direct shipments: 
Exhibiting Company Name/Booth #
C/O Freeman
900 Boylston Street, Hynes Convention Center
Boston, MA 02115

Important Details

You will register staff through NECANN’s ticketing platform, Captello, also linked on the NECANN website and here too. Use the ticket type “Exhibitor Staff Registration”. You must receive a unique exhibitor registration discount code specific to your company to register your staff.  John from NECANN has sent this code to the Administrator of your NECANN account and contact John if you need it resent:  [email protected]

10×10 booths are allotted 4 badges, 10×20 get 8 badges, 20×20 get 12 badges, sponsors get 12 badges.  Badges will be available for pickup at the show on move-in day after 2pm. 

If you need to change a name on a badge that you’ve already ordered, please contact John at john@necann.com

NOTE:  Booth staff MUST be pre-registered to be issued a badge. The deadline to register your booth staff is March 17,  after which booth staff will have to buy a ticket. Contact [email protected] with questions

NECANN offers a lead retrieval service through the Captello app. This platform offers the exhibitor the opportunity to customize the interaction with a lead to improve the experience and drive higher ROI at NECANN conventions. Lead retrieval service is optional and is priced at $195 for each different NECANN show in which you exhibit. However, no additional cost is necessary to share the lead retrieval license with your staff. Here are a couple of short videos providing more information about the service:

Here’s the link to purchase the lead retrieval service for Boston: CLICK HERE

Here’s a link to tutorial videos about how to use the service: CLICK HERE

Video: Here’s a tutorial on how to buy the lead retrieval service: CLICK HERE

If you have technical questions about the service, use the Captello support contact: [email protected]



Thursday, March 20 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM BY ZONES, see info below
Friday, March 21 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM    (Exhibitor Access 8:00 AM-5:30 PM)
Saturday, March 22 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM    (Exhibitor Access 9:00 AM-8:00 PM)
Saturday, March 22 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM Move Out


Move in will take place by ZONES which are determined by a company’s location on the show floor. If you do not know your location or booth number, please see the 2025 New England Cannabis Convention Floor Plan for an alphabetical exhibitor list to find your booth number (left side of map and linked here). Here is the Zone Map: CLICK HERE If the timeframe you are assigned does not give you the amount of time you need and you wish to request a different timeframe, please contact [email protected] or 207-400-4446.  Some exceptions can be made. 

Locate your booth on the floor plan to determine your zone: CLICK HERE

Then use the Zone Map to determine your Zone and move-in time on March 20 CLICK HERE

ZONE ONE  8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
ZONE TWO  11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
ZONE THREE  2:00 PM – 5:00 PM  

Exhibitor Hall open to exhibitors until 8pm on March 20, contact [email protected] with questions

ALL ZONES  8:00 AM – 9:30 AM – Friday, show opens at 10 AM


The Hynes Convention Center maintains a hand-carry policy that prohibits rolling two or four-wheeled carts, hotel-type carts and dollies from the Boylston Street or Prudential Center entrances into the show.  Smaller folding luggage carts are acceptable.


  • Access for unloading exhibits is the Cambria Street Service Entrance located off Massachusetts Avenue.  If you plan to transport materials to your booth yourself, please use this entrance. Street map here
  • Note that only bona fide employees of an exhibiting company can perform work/unloading.
  • Upon arrival, you will be required to present an ID to gain entry to the loading dock area. You will receive unloading instructions at the gate. There is a minimum of two people per car upon entering the loading area. You must bring your own handcart if you will require one.  You may use only hand-operated equipment; two-wheeled hand trucks and four-wheeled hand trucks are permitted.  Equipment must be unloaded and moved into the exhibit hall while the vehicle is being parked.  THERE IS A 20-MINUTE TIME LIMIT FOR UNLOADING VEHICLES IN THE LOADING DOCK AREA.  Exhibitors are not permitted to live park.

If you require the use of a loading dock to unload your shipment, Freeman Convention Company will need to unload your materials.  There is a fee for this service.  If you are transporting large items for your exhibit and need assistance with the use of a four-wheel dolly or pallet lift, arrangements must be made with Freeman in advance.  There is a fee for this service as well.  Freeman can also handle any shipping needs at an additional cost.  Use your exhibitor portal to coordinate with Freeman.


Driving from Mass Pike:

  • Take Exit 133W (Prudential/Copley Place) 
  • Stay left and take ramp toward Prudential Center, as you exit onto Huntington Avenue, staying right while on Huntington Avenue 
  • At the next set of lights turn right onto Belvidere Street then take right onto Dalton St.  Sheraton Boston will be on your right. 
  • When you come to the end of Dalton Street at Boylston Street (Fire Dept. straight ahead), you will take a left at the lights and then another left when you see the Cambria Street ramp.

Driving from Massachusetts Avenue:

When you turn onto Boylston Street, Cambria Street will be your first immediate right. Cambria Street goes down the ramp to the Loading Dock.


Within a three-block walk of the Hynes Convention Center are numerous parking garages totaling over 4,400 spaces. There is limited meter parking available around the Hynes and adjacent streets.

Hynes Auditorium Parking Garage

50 Dalton Street, 617-247-8006

Back Bay Hilton Hotel Parking Garage

40 Dalton Street, 617-236-1100

Belvidere Street Lot

53 Belvidere Street, 617-536-0910

Boston Marriott Hotel Copley Place

100 Huntington Avenue – Valet Parking

Colonnade Hotel Parking Garage

120 Huntington Avenue, 617-424-7000

Copley Place Parking Garage

100 Huntington Avenue, 617-369-5025
(corner of Huntington Ave & Dartmouth St)

Prudential Center Parking Garage

800 Boylston Street, 617-236-3060

Sheraton Boston Hotel Parking Garage

39 Dalton Street, 617-236-6172


Via Logan Airport:

Round-trip shuttle from Back Bay to Logan Airport – The Back Bay Logan Express shuttle runs every 20 minutes and picks up passengers from Logan Airport and Hynes Convention Center. The cost is $5.00 one-way fare. Credit or Debit Card only (or Free with Valid with MBTA Pass).

Via Subway:

Take the subway bus from any terminal to the airport subway station, transfer to the Blue Line and board the westbound train (marked Bowdoin Station) to Government Center. Get off the train and follow signs to the Green Line and board Green Line Train D (Riverside) to the Hynes Convention Ctr Stop. Once you get off the subway, choose any exit and follow the signs to the Hynes. For more information visit: massport.com

Via Amtrak and Commuter Rail:

If traveling by Commuter rail or Amtrak from points west or south of Boston, get off at the Back Bay Station and walk through the Copley Place Mall to the Prudential Center and follow the signs to the Hynes Convention Center. For more information please visit: www.amtrak.com.

Via Bus (MBTA Silver Line to South Station):

Take the Silver Line Bus to South Station. As you depart the terminal, walk to the right and the Silver Line pick-up is at the head of the line at Terminal D. The Silver Line stop is along the roadway between Terminal C and D. Take Silver Line to South Station, transfer to Commuter Rail to Back Bay Station and walk through the Copley Place Mall to the Prudential Center and follow the signs to the Hynes. For more information please visit: mbta.com.


There are many hotel options in Boston’s Back Bay.  The four closest hotels are the Sheraton Boston Hotel, the Copley Marriott, the Westin Copley Place and the Hilton Boston Back Bay. For easy booking, we suggest using this link and NECANN’s hotel partner JamPack: CLICK HERE



Warehouse Shipping Address: 

C/O Freeman
25 Doherty Avenue
Avon, MA 02322

Warehouse Shipping Info:

  • Ship early to avoid delays and save money.
  • Freeman will accept crated, boxed or skidded material beginning February 18, 2025 at the above address.  
  • Material arriving after March 13, 2025 will be accepted at the warehouse with an additional after deadline charge.
  • Please note that the Freeman warehouse does not accept uncrated freight (loose, pad-wrapped material and/or unskidded machinery), COD shipments, hazardous materials, freight beyond the dimensions of 108” H x 93” W.
  • Warehouse materials are accepted at the warehouse Mon-Fri between the hours of 8am and 4pm.
  • Certified weight tickets must accompany all shipments.
  • If required, provide your carrier this phone number: 888-508-5054.

Show Site Shipping Address:

Exhibiting Company Name/Booth #
C/O Freeman
900 Boylston Street, Hynes Convention Center
Boston, MA 02115

Show Site Shipping Info:

  • Freeman will receive shipments at the exhibit facility beginning March 20, 2025.
  • Shipments arriving before this date may be refused by the facility. 
  • Any charges incurred for early freight accepted by the facility will be the responsibility of the exhibitor.
  • Certified weight tickets must accompany all shipments.
  • Ensure your driver has the following information to expedite unloading and delivery to your booth:  Show Name, Exhibitor Name, Booth #.
  • If required, provide your carrier this phone number: 888-508-5054.
  • Due to the loading dock configuration at this facility, trucks are not to exceed 13’6” in height and 62” in length.  Exhibitors will incur an additional fee (per occurrence) for carriers who are unable to back in their own trailers to the Hynes Convention Center loading dock and require Freeman’s assistance to do so. 

Special Material Handling Rates for Machinery

Please Note:  A special machinery rate is available for heavy equipment. Log in to the show’s portal at FreemanOnline and click on the menu bar in the upper lefthand corner.  Go to Show Information/Freight, Storage & Labels/Machinery Handling Rates. Any questions, please call Freeman Exhibitor Services, 888-508-5054.

What is Drayage or Material Handling?

Material Handling, also known as Drayage, is the six-step process that occurs when the General Contractor takes ownership of the freight from your carrier at the advanced warehouse, marshaling yard or show site, delivers it to your booth, stores empties, delivers empties back to your booth for your re-packing and then brings the freight back to the docks for pick up by your specified carrier. 

How Is the Cost of Drayage Determined? 

To determine the amount charged to exhibitors by General Contractors for handling of your freight, remember that freight is sometimes moved as many as six times during a show.

 General Contractors charge by 100 lb. increments, known as a hundredweight (CWT), and with a 200 lb. minimum charge. Your 31 lb. box is charged as a 200 lb. minimum so depending on the show rate could cost you anywhere from $120 – $240. Now be prepared to pay 30% more for special handling or for delivery off target, generally a holiday or weekend, which could add another 25%.

What is Special Handling & Why Is There a 30% Upcharge on an Already Costly Bill?

Special Handling applies to anything that is shipped to the advance warehouse or direct to the show that is not palatalized or crated, needing personal handling, i.e., restacking, using chains or special equipment to unload, moving other crates to get to your materials, etc.

Be advised everything shipped by air freight via Fed Ex, UPS or any small box carrier is automatically considered Special Handling. If you ship 4 boxes of literature to your booth in different shipments, be prepared to pay the 200 lb. minimum per shipment plus 30% Special Handling fees per shipment. Special handling has a 30% mark up because of the extra time it takes to unload and distribute the truck full of boxes to your booth as it takes more labor than a forklift driver simply lifting a crate and driving to your booth.

30 lb. Rule & 5 lb. Rule

Some General Contractors (including Freeman, Brede and GES) are nice enough to have a 30 lb. rule for “small packages” – meaning if 30 lbs. or less they will charge a substantial amount less as the package can be hand-carried or delivered by cart. If your shipment is sent at the same time and the combined weight is over 30 lbs. then expect a 200 lb. minimum charge.

The 5 lb. rule is that anything less than 5 lbs. is free. Not all Generals are nice when it comes to this rule. Someone still has to walk from the docks, find you and then journey back – but the big Generals know it is outrageous to charge large sums of money for a letter being delivered to the show and your booth.

Simple Tips to Save BIG CASH!!!

When shipping in your products or marketing promotional items, minimize the number of items in your shipment and consolidate your items on a pallet, shrink wrapped and banded appropriately.  This way, a forklift can simply drive under and lift the pallet to your booth, avoiding Special Handling charges.

If you have to ship in individual boxes, make sure you ship all the boxes at the same time and keep your tracking receipt. Make sure your individual boxes are marked “1 of 3”, “2 of 3”, etc. and were charged as a combined weight shipment.  The General Contractor will note that all the boxes were shipped at the same time and you won’t be charged the 200 lb. minimum per box.  If your tracking numbers are too far apart, brace yourself for individual 200 lb. charges per package.  Make sure all boxes or packages are gathered and shipped at one time.

Your tracking receipt, or for the tech savvy, a virtual record on your phone, will allow you to confirm all boxes have arrived and will also provide problem-solving ability when you’re missing boxes in your booth and the Exhibitor Service representative’s first question to you is “Do you have tracking numbers?” 

Notify your shipper you will not be paying any booth material Special Handling charges.

Make sure to notify your shipper to ship your booth properties crated and, if need be, palletized, shrink wrapped & banded appropriately. This will not only ensure you aren’t hit with a special handling 30% up-charge for your booth properties but also minimizes losing booth properties that were shipped loose from a secured crate or pallet. 

Note: During a show, empty crates will not be moved into storage without an Empty sticker applied, nor will equipment or materials be moved out of your exhibit space at the end of a show without filled-in shipping labels and proper paperwork filled out and submitted to start the process.  Materials left behind without paperwork will be taken back to the General Contractor’s warehouse and “forgotten” until you come looking for them.  Don’t forget the rented tv monitor!

Contact Freeman Convention Services

Hotel Reservations:  For hotel reservations, visit the show’s official housing vendor, Jampack. Click here, Official Housing Vendor.  

Note: If you are contacted by other third-party companies offering hotel assistance, please be aware they are not endorsed by NECANN.

Thank you for exhibiting with NECANN! You are currently listed as your company’s administrative contact. This means you will be our main point of contact for all communication related to the show. You will receive important event information like the exhibitor manual which will include info on shipments and furniture rentals. Once your order is confirmed, your administrative contact will receive an email invitation to access your online booth portal.

Once you accept the invitation to your exhibitor portal, you can set up a log-in and then you will have access to customize your listing on the interactive online exhibitor map, which includes space for a description of your organization/products, your company logo and contact information. Attendees use this information to plan their visit to the show and we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.


• Add promotional materials about your company

Though each company is only able to have one Admin, it’s easy to change who that person is. Simple send an email to Kris Hultgren, [email protected], requesting the link to change your admin. 


If you plan to sample any food, beverage, or consumable, or give out a noncannabis-related food product such as candy at NECANN Boston you must follow these steps: 

  1.  Fill out the City of Boston Temporary Food Service Permit Application. Send the application, along with a copy of the Health Permit/License the manufacturer uses to produce the product to Kris at NECANNN, [email protected] by February 24, 2025. DO NOT SEND ANY PAPERWORK TO THE CITY OF BOSTON DIRECTLY! NECANN SHOW MGMT MUST SUBMIT ALL APPLICATIONS!
  2.  BY MARCH 7, 2025: Fill out Levy’s Sampling Form and send it along with a copy of the product manufacturer’s Certificate of Insurance to [email protected]
  3.  As soon as the Temporary Food Service Permit Application is approved by the city of Boston, you will receive instructions and a link from the City of Boston via an email on how to pay the appropriate Temp Food Permitting & Administrative Fee. Permit fee is based on the number of days you plan to sample and subject to change: First day is $30. Then it’s $5 for every additional day, so for a two-day show, fee will be $35.  Administrative fee is $100. You will need your permit application number to make this payment. 
  4. Once your Temporary Food Service Permit is obtained, you must send a copy of the permit to [email protected] in order to be able to sample at NECANN. (Permit must be on file with Levy Restaurants.) If you have any questions, please contact Kris Hultgren at [email protected] or 207-400-4446. Any applications received after the deadline will not be submitted and you will not be able to conduct sampling at the show. 


In your online booth profile, the “Public Contact” fields are OPTIONAL, and we recommend that they be left blank until the week of the convention. If you have visible contact information in your profile in the weeks/months leading up to the convention, it WILL be used by scammers to bombard your email and phone number with phony offers to sell you attendee lists, hotel accommodations, shipping, etc. NECANN and our partners NEVER sell our contact information or make it available to 3rd parties. 

Any email or phone offer to sell you an attendee or exhibitor lists, hotel reservations, shipping services, etc. is a scam. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of someone claiming to be a representative of NECANN, please contact NECANN’s Kris at [email protected] or 207-400-4446.

Show Decorator: Freeman  Ordering Portal CLICK HERE,  see Quick Facts link below

(Advance Shipping, Booth Furniture & Accessories Rentals, Graphics, Carpet Rentals, Labor, etc). 

Event Quick Facts: CLICK HERE

Facility: Hynes Convention Center – Ordering Portal CLICK HERE

also see Exhibitor Ordering Guide linked below for more information (Electrical, Telecom, Catering, and  Cleaning Services): Exhibitor Ordering Guide: CLICK HERE

NOTE: Venue will NOT allow outside food to be delivered

Your company may have purchased an advertisement in the NECANN Boston Digital Show Program and/or bought a social media post to NECANN’s network. If so, use the links below to take you to the form for submitting the deliverables. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

To Submit a Digital Show Program Ad: CLICK HERE

 Submit Social Media Assets: CLICK HERE